- Location: Cyber Institute Conference Room
- Participants: CyberHawks President, CyberHawks Competitive Manager, CyberHawks Member, CyberHawks Social Manager, CyberHawks Operations Lead, Cyber Unit Operations Officer, Cyber Unit Deputy Team Leader
- Mountain West Cyber Challenge: Cash prize event from 10:00-18:00 EST, more information in the Cyberhawks competitions channel
- Upcoming events: Georgia Bureau of Investigation Digital Forensics Unit presentation, Business Success and Entrepreneurship in Technology Services on November 13th at 17:30 in Cottrell 320 with free food.
- New College of Business funding form: Through the MCCB instead of SGA, funding could be used for shirts, food reimbursements, etc. Requires meeting minutes on every club meeting.
- CCDC Logistics: Who can be the CCDC coach and where will we be competing in the MCCB during SECCDC online qualifiers on February 8th?
Action Items
- President will research making club bank account
- President will discuss with advisor on possible CCDC coaches and competition space for qualifiers
- Operations Lead will make slides for next meeting