Below is a list of past meeting minutes in reverse chronological order:
Joint Meeting
Discussed NCX roster, the new bake sale fundraiser, first meeting logistics, and a new shared AWS account
Joint Meeting
Discussed the new club finances, the Goldrush Gauntlet Registration status, first meeting logistics, and many small changes to the club constitution which will be ratified in the coming weeks
Emergency Meeting
Discussed and ratified a last-minute change to the constitution allowing specific members of the club leadership to act on behalf of the club to open a checking account.
Joint Meeting
Discussed upcoming events and competitions, a new funding opportunity through the MCCB, and started discussing logistics for SECCDC qualifiers.
Joint Meeting
Discussed topics for next meeting, voted on new Operations Lead, and discussed Halloween night.
Joint Meeting
Discussed topics for next meeting, renaming the training section on the CyberHawks website, and adding feedback forms to the website.
Joint Meeting
Discussed previous meetings minutes, followed up on previous action items, and planning CyberHawks meetings in advance.
Joint Meeting
Discussed attendance for Hacker Halted and DoE CyberForce, posting powerpoint’s to the CyberHawks website, creating walkthroughs for meeting challenges, and creating a shared OneDrive folder to help with VM installation.
Joint Meeting
Discussed renaming Discord, charging entry fees, adding online meetings, nighthawks fest, sponsorships, and providing brief summary of plans.
Club Meeting
Welcome back, CyberHawks! In our first meeting of the year, we introduced ourselves, set up new members with Kali Linux, and did a meet-and-greet CTF.
Joint Meeting
Discussed initial meetings of the semester, a club website, and communication. Moved to create a website and adopt Robert’s rules of Order.